Consulting and Training Services

Dr Keith Poulsen - Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic Testing

The foundation for infectious disease control

Diagnostic testing is the foundation to an infectious disease control program.  Although availability of high-quality testing at an accredited veterinary diagnostic laboratory is variable to non-existent in many countries across the globe, there are ways to develop and provide testing in some manner.  Dr. Poulsen has experience developing diagnostics around the world, as well as leading an AAVLD accredited, National Animal Health Laboratory Network Level 1 laboratory to assist in development of disease control programs.

Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Veterinary medical and zoonotic and foodborne infectious disease expertise

Disease control is more effective when the root causes or upstream determinants of human and animal infection are identified and solved. For zoonotic and foodborne diseases, these root causes require expertise in individual and production animal medicine linked to food production and delivery systems. Dr. Poulsen has extensive international experience studying and controlling infectious diseases that is readily applicable to many emerging or established diseases in food animal populations.

Dr Keith Poulsen - Education


The cornerstone for sustainable change

Any change is difficult for a team, staff, or community. Sustainable change for growth requires effective education strategies for training and refresher training.  Dr. Poulsen uses “train the trainer” methodology in a culturally relevant manner that is engaging and inclusive for all persons involved from animal husbandry to farm management. Education program development and consulting can be “boots on the ground,” done in a virtual setting, or a combination of both.  Starting and refreshing programs are most effective in person with regular check-ins accomplished with video or teleconferencing.

Dr Keith Poulsen - One Health 2

One Health

Global expertise and cultural relevance

Human, animal, and environmental health are intricately intertwined.  Veterinarians are key players with their unique and specialized training for individual and population animal health. This is especially true for food producing animals as potential upstream determinants of human disease and environmental problems.  Dr. Poulsen has worked in North and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia collaborating and consulting on issues like foot and mouth disease virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, salmonellosis, and Johne’s Disease.  He has also collaborated and published research projects on food safety and zoonotic infectious diseases like brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis, and listeriosis.